  • Requirement Challenges
  • Solutions
  • Value of Solutions

Current Situation of Enterprise Sensitive Data Management

  • No data classification to separate enterprise and personal data

    No matter office documents, design drawings, financial statements or personal data are all mixed together and managed in a "one-size-fits-all" manner, resulting in "important data cannot be managed", ""value data is difficult to flow ", "over-control of personal data" and other situations.

  • Difficult to balance efficiency and security

    Physical isolation, DLP, VDI and other data security solutions almost all require different degrees of sacrifice of efficiency and experience to enhance security, making security and efficiency a difficult trade-off.

  • High input costs, difficult operation and maintenance management

    High-performance server clusters, additional terminal hardware equipment, and large bandwidth network resources invariably increase input costs greatly; network and security policies are complex and require a lot of manpower for maintenance and auditing, and the slightest inadvertence will lead to policy failure.

DACS Solution by DataCloak

DACS realizes the data classification to separate enterprise and personal data, and divides different secure workspaces through software defined perimeter (SDP) for clearer permission management, and the data in the secure workspace cannot be sent out privately by employees, perfectly meeting the needs of enterprise data leakage prevention. DACS is easy to maintain, substantially reducing enterprise overall costs.

  • Fine-grained data management policies
    • Separation of enterprise and personal workspaces so that personal data is not affected

      Isolated secure workspaces are managed by the enterprise at the terminal, which can record employee operations inside the workspace and control secure data. Employees’ operations outside the secure workspace are not affected.

    • Data classification with independent policy management

      Once data is in the secure workspace, it cannot be privately sent out of the workspace. Always adhering to the principles of one-way data flow (from low to high security level). Every secure workspace can also be configured with its independent security policy to achieve least privilege management.

  • Smoother end-use experience
    • Lower effects on terminal performance

      Deep isolation between the secure workspace and terminal system. With cutting-edge microkernel technology, minimalizing effects on CPU and memory load. High execution efficiency -- no change of user operating habits.

    • Software defined perimeter, high communication efficiency

      Building encrypted tunnels between secure workspaces and servers for data transfer to prevent network eavesdropping. Secured and trusted. No extra traffic load on the server network.

  • High security, easy operation and maintenance, low cost of use
    • AI-driven adaptable security

      Through AI-driven adaptable security engines, monitor and adjust desktop security policies to achieve adaptable protection adhering to the least privilege principle.

    • Real-time communication and continuous verification

      Client-side and server-side are connected through the access layer, allowing secure access to the enterprise network anytime, anywhere. Real-time monitoring of user-sensitive behavioral operations provides a good method of behavioral auditing.

    • Low construction costs

      The leading zero-trust architecture enables one deployment to achieve comprehensive data, network, and application protection effects, better data leakage prevention, and lower construction costs for enterprises.

  • Fine-grained data management policies

    • Separation of enterprise and personal workspaces so that personal data is not affected

      Isolated secure workspaces are managed by the enterprise at the terminal, which can record employee operations inside the workspace and control secure data. Employees’ operations outside the secure workspace are not affected.

    • Data classification with independent policy management

      Once data is in the secure workspace, it cannot be privately sent out of the workspace. Always adhering to the principles of one-way data flow (from low to high security level). Every secure workspace can also be configured with its independent security policy to achieve least privilege management.

  • Smoother end-use experience

    • Lower effects on terminal performance

      Deep isolation between the secure workspace and terminal system. With cutting-edge microkernel technology, minimalizing effects on CPU and memory load. High execution efficiency -- no change of user operating habits.

    • Software defined perimeter, high communication efficiency

      Building encrypted tunnels between secure workspaces and servers for data transfer to prevent network eavesdropping. Secured and trusted. No extra traffic load on the server network.

  • High security, easy operation and maintenance, low cost of use

    • AI-driven adaptable security

      Through AI-driven adaptable security engines, monitor and adjust desktop security policies to achieve adaptable protection adhering to the least privilege principle.

    • Real-time communication and continuous verification

      Client-side and server-side are connected through the access layer, allowing secure access to the enterprise network anytime, anywhere. Real-time monitoring of user-sensitive behavioral operations provides a good method of behavioral auditing.

    • Low construction costs

      The leading zero-trust architecture enables one deployment to achieve comprehensive data, network, and application protection effects, better data leakage prevention, and lower construction costs for enterprises.

Value to Enterprises

  • A win-win for security and user experience
    • Cutting-edge technological architecture keeps data flowing under enterprise control to ensure data security

    • DACS has minimal effects on local computing and network resources to maximize user experience quality

  • Clearer enterprise data boundaries
    • Enterprise and personal data are independent and separated from each other. Respecting employee privacy

    • Enterprise data classification allows for clearer recognition of data lifecycle flow

  • Low-cost operation
    • Solving data leakage issues from the root, avoiding repeated construction

    • Simple policy settings, visualized and one-stop operation, all at a low cost

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  • Contact Email: contact@datacloak.com

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  • DataCloak is committed to the development of a zero trust data security platform to help enterprises quickly complete the digital transformation and infrastructure upgrades required in the cloud era, and achieve global borderless data security.

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